Capacity development is a critical enabler to the achievement of development outcomes and impacts. It is embedded in the Livestock CRP strategy, theory of change and impact pathways. Given the need to prioritize and focus on areas that are realistic for the CRP’s mandate and comparative advantage, we focus on a few key capacity development priorities, including:
Targeted work in priority countries: The selection process to reduce the number of Livestock CRP priority countries was completed in late 2018. The CRP is now able to implement a key feature of its Theory of Change as country-level strategies integrating activities from all five Flagships in Ethiopia, Tanzania, Uganda and Vietnam.
For capacity development, the integrated and more intense work in priority countries presents opportunities to support activities across all flagships in the country and help achieve a more coherent capacity development intervention in these countries. Therefore, we are prioritizing support to priority countries, through a coordinated effort with the country leadership and in consultation with all flagships.
Priority activities in the 2019-2021 period include:
- Support extension officers and other key implementing partners in CRP core work areas
- Create and deploy high-quality livestock content development across multiple digital channels (Digital extension)
- Tracking and assessing capacity development activities taking place in the flagships for quality assurance, reporting, learning and synthesis purposes.