Photo K. Dhanji/ILRI

Report on identifying a protocol to elicit flowering in Brachiaria humidicola with photoperiod management

Two Genotypes of Brachiaria humidicola (A and B) were planted on the grounds of CIAT headquarters in Palmira during 2018 – 2019, 10 lamps were placed in the lot to evaluate 6 different photoperiods (1 - 6) with Light in 2 different wavelength range (W.R.) α and β, for this, 17 samples were carried out on the variables height, vigor, chlorophyll content and number of inflorescences; a total of 93 field work were carried out to support the trial, finding that the photoperiod 5 in the W.R. β and 3 photoperiod in the W.R. α for the B genotype show significant differences (p