
Livestock Genetics flagship contributes to animal breeding MOOC

Blog post

The African Chicken Genetic Gains project recently contributed to a massive open online course (MOOC) developed by Wageningen UR – a strategic partner in the Flagship.

This course introduces the steps required to design a program for breeding animals and teaches the genetic and statistical concepts that are needed to build a solid breeding program.

Professionals working with animals will be able to use the knowledge from this course to understand the impact of breeding on animal populations and use genetic principles to make their decisions.

Sign up for the course

MOOCs are a recent and widely researched development in distance education. They are online courses that aim at unlimited participation and open access via the web and they usually provide interactive user forums to support community interactions among students.

The course was developed with financial support and input from the Koepon Foundation ( and the African Chicken Genetic Gains project (