
WEBINAR Research investments in institutional innovations: the case of rangeland governance in Tunisia

Welcome to a new webinar series on Land and Natural Resource Governance, Planning and Management

The Land Tenure desk of IFAD, in collaboration with  CGIAR centres, is pleased to invite you to the first in a webinar series to explore and discuss good collaboration practices between IFAD and CGIAR centres in the areas of land and natural resource governance, planning and management.

This will be a regular recurring series where we will "visit" a different country where IFAD has been working closely with CGIAR centres through supporting research, development of innovations, partnership, and joint influencing of policy and legislation, to learn about successful outputs, outcomes and collaboration, including challenges and ways to overcome them.

The series offers an opportunity for learning across IFAD, CG Centres and partners, to reflect on each country case study and develop steps to strengthen outputs and outcomes, demonstrate the importance of the collaboration and to consider the application of successful interventions elsewhere.  

What's coming up:

Our first webinar will take us to Tunisia, where the International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA) has been working with IFAD and partners on research, piloting of innovations, capacity building and policy-influencing, particularly focusing on rangelands. Research outputs have been institutionalised and are nowadays part of the toolboxes of ongoing project management units.

However, challenges are also changing and new land tenure research questions are emerging. This has demanded strong linkages being built with national research organisations, and flexibility in research-for-development objectives.  

The link for the webinar will be provided by email. For more information contact:

Fiona Flintan
Senior Scientist Rangelands Governance, ILRI